Friday, September 16, 2011

A little bummed

Regained access to my yahoo groups account today, where I once had a thriving newsletter with 150+ subscribers.  I was hoping I could 'cheat' a little and not have to starting building a readership from bare earth again.  Oh well.  In making the decision to come back to the genre, I knew it would be an uphill climb. And I'm ready for it :)

In other news, I jumped into Twitter today as well.  Please check it out when you get a chance.  I'll do my best to post content worth following!  Thank you Leigh Ellwood for being my very first follower!

I have SO missed interacting with other writers!  I can't wait to be signing books and hanging with my old comrades (and new ones) again!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In need of discipline

It's in excusable, I know.  So quixotic is my behavior, so capricious are my habits.  What I need is some hard discipline. What I need is a good bit of quality time with some well-worn black leather across my backside, leather that's so soft and supple it's almost tattered and torn because of so much repeated contact with my skin.

Why are you gaping at me like that?  I'm talking about my office chair.  What?  Oh, you thought.... hahaha, *rereading*  I guess I can see where you might think... well... heheheh.  ;)

Getting back into the groove of serious writing is taking some doing.  I'm out of practice, and need to train myself to focus on writing, set aside time each day to focus on a single storyline.  But if there's one thing erotica authors know something about, it's discipline.  Soft supple leather of my favorite chair, here I come!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where would leather be without lace?

Today is National Lacemaking Day in Britain, and I have to wonder why this holiday hasn't caught on yet in the States. Let's see if I can explain my (odd) logic:

Lace is associated with romance, right?  Frederick's of Hollywood was probably founded on the tenet that a few scraps of lace artfully arranged on a bosomy female form constitutes the penultimate romance-inducing outfit.  (And Hollywood, by the way, is in the States...*nods*).  Add some lace to leather, and you get dangerous romance.  And who doesn't love dangerous romance?

And romance happens to be the top-selling fiction genre in North America (which, by the way, includes the States).

So, follow me here, if lace is romance, and romance is loved by America, then..... ergo..... that's right..... lace is loved by America!  And we should celebrate its making!  Since I happen to be of the 'dangerous romance' bent, I'm thinking I might add some actual lace laces to my leather motorcycle boots...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Peeking out from the Depths

So it's been what, FIVE years? Yeah, that's a while. But life's diversions are what make the stay on this mortal coil interesting, right?

My publisher tells me my books are still selling, though! Yay! Hope to have a few more titles to add to my résumé before the end of the year. In the mean time, I'm rebuilding, writing, and poking my nose in places it probably doesn't belong!
